Are you continually facing financial challenges? You might be keeping yourself poor with habits you didn’t even realize were contributing to your situation. Dropping the habits that are keeping you poor is an effective first step toward enhancing your security and financial future.Make the decision to drop these financial habits from your life:1. Failure to create an adequate … [Read more...] about 7 Financial Habits That Will Keep You Poor
debt management
Get Out of Debt and Fix Your Credit
Many people of all ages are taking the health of their finances more seriously and beginning to take proactive steps to turn things around if they’ve been struggling.In the past, consumers racked up tens of thousands of dollars in debt without blinking an eye, but in today’s world, they’re understanding more about the dangers of accepting all those credit card offers.If you’ve … [Read more...] about Get Out of Debt and Fix Your Credit
Is Your Debt Spiraling Out of Control?
When your debt is spiraling out of control, it feels like that scary nightmare where you fall into a dark pit and unable to climb out. You seem stuck; and try hard as you may, you find yourself falling deeper and deeper.That’s a true definition of financial crises!Many Americans found their debt spiraling out of control for a number of reasons: job loss, medical crises, … [Read more...] about Is Your Debt Spiraling Out of Control?
5 Quick Ways To Get Out of Debt
With the current global economic crisis, everyone is seeking for ways to cut debt and save cash. The interest rates have become unbearable. Because of the high interest rates many people are hopelessly struggling with long term debts not knowing what to do to get out of the mess. What most people do not realize is that one can easily clear all their debts and learn how … [Read more...] about 5 Quick Ways To Get Out of Debt
Americans Drowning in Personal Debt: Are You One of Them?
An alarming 77 million Americans have delinquent personal debts reported in their credit files. Translation: more than one-third of Americans are in trouble when it comes to paying their debts on time. In a 2014 study by Urban Institute titled Delinquent Debt in America, a whopping 35 percent of adults with a credit file, have a report of personal debt in collections. … [Read more...] about Americans Drowning in Personal Debt: Are You One of Them?