Are you continually facing financial challenges? You might be keeping yourself poor with habits you didn’t even realize were contributing to your situation. Dropping the habits that are keeping you poor is an effective first step toward enhancing your security and financial future.Make the decision to drop these financial habits from your life:1. Failure to create an adequate … [Read more...] about 7 Financial Habits That Will Keep You Poor
7 Ways to Manage Your Finances During Persistent Inflation
In a recent address to other central bankers at the European Central Bank’s annual symposium in Sintra, Portugal, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said that the Fed’s fight against inflation could extend over several years.According to the Wall Street Journal report, Chairman Powell hinted that the Feds will likely continue to raise interest rates in the foreseeable future … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Manage Your Finances During Persistent Inflation
5 Ways to Keep Financial Stress Under Control
Photo from Pexels by Karolina GrabowskaRight now, financial stress is causing a lot of turmoil for individuals and families around the world. Many people are fearful about their economic outlook, and rightfully so.It started with rising prices for groceries, which were blamed on supply chain shortages. Then gas prices skyrocketed, and blame was put on the Russia-Ukraine war. … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Keep Financial Stress Under Control
What Does the Federal Reserve Interest Rate Hike Mean for Your Personal Financial Recovery?
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels So, you probably have heard that the US Federal Reserve Board is raising the interest rate for the first time in three years (well, unless the only news you care about these days is Kanye, Kim, and Pete). All the financial news outlets reported the Feds raised the interest rate today by a quarter percentage point.Policy watchers expect … [Read more...] about What Does the Federal Reserve Interest Rate Hike Mean for Your Personal Financial Recovery?
How to Use Budget Charts to Cut Your Expenses and Save Money
Being broke and struggling to pay bills is not a welcome feeling. Putting a budget chart together is necessary in these tough financial times. You need it to help you keep track of our expenses, curb unnecessary expenses and pay bills. Whether you use a computer program or an old-fashioned poster board to create your budget chart, it is addictive. It gives you a sense of … [Read more...] about How to Use Budget Charts to Cut Your Expenses and Save Money